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"Looking to the Future" - A Word from the President

Published on 9/9/2018

Looking to the Future

As TxAPPS advances in the process service industry, we continue to strive towards the future in education, legislation and technology.  We are a proud association bringing together process servers to positively impact the direction of our state.  TxAPPS strengthens the process service industry by advocating the associations philosophy and initiatives, and by continually empowering the knowledge of process servers. 

We recently held our “Server Social” in San Antonio.  It was a great meeting and several members and non-members attended the social. 

Networking with other process servers has always been a highlight when a group of process servers gather.  It’s an extension of business to meet and grow along with other process servers who in the future can assist in areas you may not be able to cover.

Our next “Server Social” is scheduled on September 16th from 2pm – 5pm in Houston, with the meeting place being announced very soon. 

During the last few months, several TxAPPS members have been inquiring of various situations, with one being digital signatures or e-signatures on affidavits by process servers.  This has been discussed on many levels for the past few years, but now some larger companies are implementing the procedure, with a few making it mandatory.

The big question is the legality and where in the law it’s accepted.  On August 3rd, a few board members attended the JBCC meeting held in Austin.  During the public speaking, I had the opportunity to present this concern to the board of Commissioners to learn of their knowledge and acceptance of the trend occurring in Texas.

There was much discussion among the Commissioners and it was decided by the Commission to pass this concern to the staff to research the issue.  They responded on August 8th with a letter to my email; however, questions are still running rampant.  In order to navigate the confusion, I’ve scheduled appointments for next week, with some of the judges in my area for their input on digital signatures/e-signatures.

On another topic, I have joined groups found through Facebook that are privately used by process servers.  I have found the many topics discussed to be most interesting.  For both new servers and seasoned servers, these groups have very interesting topics of just about everything currently being discussed.  It’s very educational and sometimes humorous to read what’s going on around the nation. If you have not joined the groups, they are Server Nation, Process Server Chatterbox and Process Server Nationwide Connection Group.  There are probably site groups out there, but these are the ones I’m involved in at this time.  If you know names of the other viable groups, please share your findings at TxAPPS at

We are gearing up for legislation and once again, it could be a big fight at the Capital.  During this election season, new candidates will be voted in as new representatives while some may retain their office.  If you know who your representatives are, or will be meeting your new representatives, it’s always a good time to let them know who you are and the industry you represent.

I was recently invited to attend the McLennan County Republican Women’s luncheon held on August 14th.  This was my first meeting of this type and I was amazed at all the people in attendance that I already knew.

The speaker was Texas State Senator Donna Campbell, District 25 in the San Antonio area.  She was an amazing and dynamic speaker.  At the end of the meeting, I had the opportunity to meet her one on one.  I introduced myself and before our conversation ended, I told her I would be seeing her in Austin during legislation which opened the door for TxAPPS.

In closing, if I can give you one piece of advice it would this: “Be Yourself and Get Connected.”  Don’t be afraid of stepping out there.  Fear of failure is one of the biggest distractions we use to stop us from advancing, progressing, and creating a difference in our lives, in other’s lives, and in the business world of process service.

“Follow your dreams, believe in yourself and don’t give up”, Rachel Corrie.

Thank you.

Kathy Burrow
TxAPPS President